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Input mark and print grade in C++

if else if - Question 10

In this question, we will see how to input mark obtained in English subject in an examination and print the grades accordingly in C++ programming using the if else if statement. To know more about if else if statement click on the if else if statement lesson.

Q10) Write a program in C++ to input mark obtained in English subject in an examination and print the grades accordingly.

Marks in English Grade
90 or above A
70 to 89 B
50 to 69 C
40 to 49 D
Below 40 F


#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int e;
    cout<<"Enter marks obtained in English subject ";

        cout<<"Grade = A";
    else if(e>=70 && e<=89)
        cout<<"Grade = B";
    else if(e>=50 && e<=69)
        cout<<"Grade = C";
    else if(e>=40 && e<=49)
        cout<<"Grade = D";
        cout<<"Grade = F";
    return 0;


Enter marks obtained in English subject 68
Grade = C