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Naming Convention in C++ Programming Language

C++ Basic Concepts

In this lesson, we will learn about the Naming Convention in the C++ programming language. We will go through the rules of naming, along with examples and a quiz on it.

What is Naming Conventions

In C++ programming, naming conventions are set of rules for choosing the valid name to be used for variable in a C++ program.


Naming Conventions rules for Variables are:

  • It should begin with an alphabet.
  • There may be more than one alphabet, but without any spaces between them.
  • Digits may be used but only after alphabet.
  • No special symbol can be used except the underscore (_) symbol. When multiple words are needed, an underscore should separate them.
  • No keywords or command can be used as a variable name.
  • All statements in C++ language are case sensitive. Thus a variable A (in uppercase) is considered different from a variable declared a (in lowercase).

Now let's see some examples for more understanding.

Example 1

It should begin with an alphabet.

x     // x is a valid variable name because it starts with an alphabet x

Example 2

There may be more than one alphabet, but without any spaces between them.

total    // total is a valid variable name as there is no space between alphabets

Example 3

Digits may be used but only after alphabet.

ar15    // ar15 is a valid variable name as digits have been used after the alphabet
a6b2    // a6b2 is a valid variable name as digits have been used after the alphabet

Example 4

No special symbol should be present within the variable name except underscore _.

total_cost     // total_cost is a valid variable name as there is an underscore
total cost     // total cost is an invalid variable name as there is a space
total-cost     // total-cost is an invalid variable name as there is a hyphen
total$         // total$ is an invalid variable name as there is a dollar symbol

Example 5

No keywords or command can be used as a variable name.

for     // here for is an invalid variable name because it is a keyword in C++
if      // if is an invalid variable name because it is a keyword in C++
case    // case is an invalid variable name because it is a keyword in C++
const   // const is an invalid variable name because it is a keyword in C++

Example 6

All statements in C++ language are case sensitive. Thus a variable A (in uppercase) is considered different from a variable declared a (in lowercase).

a     // a is a valid variable written in lowercase
A     // A is a valid variable written in uppercase so both are different variables

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