Learn HTML: From Basic to Advanced Level with Examples
About HTML

In this lesson, we will learn about HTML in a step-by-step process. From its definition to its application, and why should we learn this language.
HTML Introduction
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is the standard language for creating the content and structure of web pages and web applications. HTML is the backbone of the web, and every website that we visit is built using HTML. In simple terms, it's the language that web browsers use to display webpages to users.
HyperText in HTML refers to organizing and connecting information on the web. The links on a webpage are called HyperText which is connected to some pieces of information. For example, when you click on a link on a webpage, you are taken to a new location, which could be another webpage, a specific section of a page, a file, or even an email address.
Markup in HTML refers to describing the structure and content of a web page using the HTML tags (commands used to create a web page).
Who developed HTML language?
Tim Berners Lee, an English computer scientist, is known as the creator of HTML, which was developed in 1990.
Applications of HTML
HTML is widely used for creating web pages and web applications. Here are some of the important applications of HTML:
- Website creation: HTML is used to create the structure and content of web pages. Web developers use HTML tags to mark up text, images, audio, video, and other elements on a web page and to define the layout and structure of the page.
- Web application development: HTML is often used as the foundation for building web applications, which are software programs that run on the web. Web developers can use HTML to create a web application's user interface and structure and to integrate other technologies such as CSS and JavaScript.
- Mobile app development: HTML can be used to create mobile apps using frameworks such as Apache Cordova and PhoneGap. These frameworks allow web developers to create mobile apps using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Email marketing: HTML is used to create visually appealing and engaging emails for email marketing campaigns. HTML emails can include images, links, and other multimedia elements and can be customized with CSS styles.
- E-commerce: HTML is used to create the structure and layout of online stores and e-commerce websites. Web developers can use HTML to define the layout of product pages, shopping carts, and checkout forms.
Why should we learn HTML
There are many reasons why it's a good idea to learn HTML. Here are just a few:
- Building web pages: HTML is the foundation of web development. If you want to create web pages, you need to know HTML. By learning HTML, you can create well-structured and organized web pages that look great and work well.
- Career opportunities: There is a high demand for web developers and designers who know HTML. By learning HTML, you can start a career in web development or design.
- Understanding how the web works: Even if you're not interested in a career in web development, learning HTML can help you understand how the web works. You will better understand how web pages are created and how users access them.
- Customizing websites: If you want to customize a website or blog, knowing HTML can be beneficial. HTML allows you to make changes to the code of a website, which can help you create a more personalized and unique website.
- Communicating with developers: If you work with web developers, knowing HTML can help you communicate more effectively with them. By understanding the basics of HTML, you will be able to understand their work better and collaborate more effectively on web projects.