Change value of a key in a dictionary in Python
Dictionaries - Question 1
In this question, we will see how to change the value of a key in a dictionary in Python programming. To know more about dictionaries click on the dictionaries lesson.
A dictionary is given below as:
a={'english':56, 'maths':84, 'physics':92, 'computer':76, 'history':87}
Q1) Write a program in Python to change the marks of the subject history to 59 in the dictionary a. The output should be:
{'english':56, 'maths':84, 'physics':92, 'computer':76, 'history':59}
a={'english':56, 'maths':84, 'physics':92, 'computer':76, 'history':87}
print('Dictionary a:')
print('\nDictionary after update')
Dictionary a: {'english': 56, 'maths': 84, 'physics': 92, 'computer': 76, 'history': 87} Dictionary after update {'english': 56, 'maths': 84, 'physics': 92, 'computer': 76, 'history': 59}