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Input mark and print grade in Python

if elif - Question 10

In this question, we will see how to input mark obtained in English subject in an examination and print the grades accordingly in Python programming using the if elif statement. To know more about if elif statement click on the if elif statement lesson.

Q10) Write a program in Python to input mark obtained in English subject in an examination and print the grades accordingly.

Marks in English Grade
90 or above A
70 to 89 B
50 to 69 C
40 to 49 D
Below 40 F


e=int(input('Enter marks obtained in English subject '))

if e>=90:
    print('Grade = A')
elif e>=70 and e<=89:
    print('Grade = B')
elif e>=50 and e<=69:
    print('Grade = C')
elif e>=40 and e<=49:
    print('Grade = D')
    print('Grade = F')


Enter marks obtained in English subject 68
Grade = C